Low cost holidays for older adults
COCOA is a non profit club for older adults based in Perth, Western Australia and run by volunteers. We organise lifestyle holidays in regional locations where we stay in shared cabin or dormitory accommodation and enjoy a happy atmosphere with a variety of activities from board games to archery.
The aim is to provide members with opportunities to meet and enjoy the company of like minded people of the same general age group. It is all about fun and enjoying life.
Membership is not expensive ($15 singles $20 couples per year).

What is COCOA?
COCOA was started in 1987 by a small group of slightly older adults, about 30 in all, who’s desire was to stay young and vital for as long as possible, without having to compete with the younger generation.
At that time the WA Government organised events for older people to enjoy the country air in facilities normally used for school camps and outings.
When the government reduced this program COCOA was formed to continue the initiative. The club is now over 150 members strong and after almost 40 years we are still following their dream.
The Club’s Aims
To provide members with the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of like minded people of the same general age group.
To promote and maintain both mental and physical fitness among members.
To hold recreation lifestyle holidays and other activities so that the clubs aims be achieved.
For company and friendship.
What We Do
We organise a number of inexpensive lifestyle holidays each year. Most are 6 days (5 nights) and are held in school camps (outside school holidays) or YHA sites.
These are called “camps” by long serving members but we don’t stay in tents. On these outings we enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities often including a full day coach tour.
From time to time the club arranges other functions of interest to members. These can be as simple as meeting for a takeaway lunch on the foreshore.
Lifestyle holidays are held at different locations such as Bunbury, Bridgetown, Albany, Rockingham, Jurien bay, Pinjarra and many other places in Western Australia. Accommodation consists of shared 2 to 8 bedded rooms or units in comfortable accommodation like school dormitories (during holiday time) or YHA sites.
These holidays enable members to try their hand at a range of activities suited to the location and the time of the year. They might include light exercises, archery, bushwalking, canoeing, orienteering, swimming, games, etc. Evenings are usually given over to indoor games, quizzes, theme nights, and the like.

Club members may also arrange a longer tour, when we either coach or fly to a destination, staying in hotels or cabins, and these usually last longer than six days. These are generally organised by a club member in conjunction with a recognised tour agency.
The club does not aim to make a profit, but obviously we must be self supporting, as the Club is not subsidised. While providing good food and reasonable comfort , we aim to make our activities affordable. The average all inclusive cost for a six day, five night holiday is between $400 and $500. Most activities (especially the holidays) are accessible by public transport so a car is not necessary.
The club’s newsletter, called the “Bugle”, is always full of information about matters of interest to members, including application forms for holidays, tours, outings, and a program of other activities conducted by the club for its members.